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当当网 公司地址 当当网公司的英文介绍

更新:2023年05月17日 21:20 好一点

好一点小编带来了当当网 公司地址 当当网公司的英文介绍,希望能对大家有所帮助,一起来看看吧!
当当网 公司地址 当当网公司的英文介绍



E-commerce China Dangdang Inc., known as Dangdang, is a Chinese electronic commerce company, founded by Peggy Yu and Li Guoqing in 1999. It is headquartered in Beijing and its main compe*s are Amazon (or Amazon China, formerly Joyo) and JD (or Jingdong, formerly 360buy). The competition escalated into a price war in December 2010, with each retailer marking down a wide range of items, especially books. DangDang made an IPO on the NYSE in November 2010, estimated at approximately US$1 billion.

Dangdang's main product categories include household merchandise, co*etics, digital, home appliances, books, audio, and dozens of clothing and maternal and child categories. There are over 10 million new registered customers per year in Dangdang . [ More than 100 thousand people buy things from Dangdang each day. There are about 30 million people a month browse different kinds of products each month. The monthly sale of goods in Dangdang is over 20 million.

Dangdang sells over 200,000 kinds of books and 10,000 kinds of software and audio products, which make up 90% of the category in China mainland. There are about 3,000 employees in Dangdang, and its customers are among 50 countries, and over 40% B2C customers in China have shopping experiences with Dangdang.


当当网 公司地址 当当网公司的英文介绍

当当有两位联合总裁:李国庆和俞渝,二人是夫妻,联手创业,早已在业内传为佳话。 1999年11月开通的当当网,目前是全球最大的中文网上图书音像商城。
俞渝1965年5月生于重庆;1986年毕业于北京外国语学院英语专业,获学士学位;1986~1987年在巴布科克威尔科克斯公司北京分公司任美方总经理翻译兼秘书;1987~1988年在俄勒冈大学国际研究硕士班肄业;1992年获得纽约大学工商管理学院金融及国际商务MBA学位,并代表毕业生在毕业典礼上致辞;1992~1997年在美国纽约创办TRIPOD国际公司(企业兼并财务顾问公司); 1996年,与李国庆结婚并共同创办当当网上书店并任联合总裁;1999年,参与创办当当网上书店。12月,被《光明日报》等十一家媒体评选为“99中国互联网新闻人物”;2001年2月,获得中电通信杯2000年中国IT十大风云人物提名;2003年4月获得“英才杂志”评选的“年度财智女性”称号等。

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